Thursday, May 17, 2012

From Man to Men for Man, Humanity and Society

Why "Life for Men" ?

Simple: Because our society has been corrupted by Feminism Dogma (Feminism Lies) and the "Feminist" Domestic Violence Industry Evil Indoctrination.

The traditional role of the Man - to Love, Protect and Provide for the Family - for Women and Children - has been successfully destroyed. As a results Men have become redundant and disposable.

Life for Men -  -  - offers and describes the solution to the problem.


[TBD later]

The Problem

45 years of "Feminist" Domestic Violence Industry Evil Indoctrination that is now Indoctrinated into Politics, the Government, Courts, Police and General Public, Encouraging an Epidemic of False Accusations of Sexual Harassment, Domestic Violence and Rape, that:

- Women are Good, All Men are Violent and Rapists!
- Women are helpless Victims, Men are Perpetrators!
- Women need Help and Protection, Men must be Restrained, Prosecuted and Jailed!

The Problem - The Root of the Problem - I came to understand - is Lack of Moral Values.

How to Find the Solution

We shouldn't fight windmills. "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root" - Thoreau, Henry David

0. Understand, Define the problem(s) we want fixed

1. We must figure out the root(s) of this evil - identify the enemy
2. We must identify it's weakness(es) - knowing/learning the enemy
3. We then come up with ways to hack at its root(s)
4. We choose the most efficient way(s) - perhaps by turning the enemy against itself.
5. We then create a Plan/Organization/Movement - including a plan to fund the activities etc.

The Root of the Problem

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root" - Thoreau, Henry David

The Problem - The Root of the Problem - I came to understand - is Lack of Moral Values.

The Enemy

 Considering that the root of the problem is Lack of Moral Values, the Enemy are the forces in society that oppose the Learning, Understanding and Adopting of Moral Values.

Individuals and Organizations that side with and support the forces that oppose Moral Values are in effect on the side of the Enemy.

Here are some examples for your consideration:

1. Feminism /  Feminists

2. The Feminist Domestic Violence Industry
3. The Violence Against Women Act - VAWA
4. The Office of Violence against Women - OVW
5. Liberals
6. Marxism
7. Lawyers
8. Democrats
9. Law-Makers
10. Competition
11. Prostitution
12. Profit
13. Lobby
14. Women

The Level of the Problem

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

The Solution

The Problem - The Root of the Problem - I came to understand - is Lack of Moral Values.

The Solution lies in Moral Values. We cannot keep Moral Values out. 

When working on Moral Values, the best place to start is the Bible ! - Not Religion ! - The Bible. Moral Values are Defined in that book. They may be difficult to understand, but Understanding the Bible's Moral Values are Imperative. Without it there Will be No Solution.

Feminism goes Against the Bible's Moral Values ! Feminism has brought a lot of Negativity - and a Trail of Destruction !

Feminism = Anti-Marriage = Anti-Family = Slutty Women = Divorce = Abortions = "Men are Rapists" = Misandry = Domestic Violence Industry Propaganda of Lies = False Accusations = Same-Sex Marriages = Zero Moral Values? = Destroyed Fathers/Men = Destroyed Families = Destroyed Civilized Society

We, Men, are NOT hard wired to have a sense of Morality. Moral Values must be learned. The best place to start is - Read and Understand the Bible.

Yes, While We, Men, were sitting confortably watching TV (Hollywood) Women, Feminism, The Domestic Violence Industry, used their tactics of emotional deception to create an Ideology of Falsehood that can Very Well Destroy our Society.

It is now up to us, Men, to get off our Butt and Fix all the damage Feminism and the Feminist Domestic Violence Idustry? (The VAWA Mafia) has inflicted upon us.

Pointing out how wrong (Immoral) they are and have been is not going to fix it. We, Men must Re-Define the Moral Values for our Society, starting by reading and understanding the Bible, and then Modernizing, Re-Defining, Re-Phrasing the Moral Values that are needed for a Civilized Society to Exist.

To Be a Man

What does it mean "to be a Man"?

To be a Man is to Learn, Understand, Adopt, Teach and Preach Moral Values.

Moral Values

[This is Work in Progress...]

From Man to Men for Man, Humanity and Society - Life humanity Men Man Son Sons God Bible Biblical Moral Values Abused Good Evil Feminism Feminist Feminazi Femofascist Pathological Lies Lying Perjury Destroy Destruction Family Fathers Society Culture Biblical Bible Moral Values VAWA Immigration Fraud Illegal Immigrant Woman Mexico Government Corruption Domestic Violence Industry Against Women Act Justice System False Rape Allegations Accusations Misandry Hate Toxic NPD BPD Narcissistic Borderline Personality Disorder Sociopath Psychopath